Manufacturing Execution Software(MES) for Hot Dip Galvanizing Lines)- Frequently Asked Questions.
Q.What hardware resources did you use to build the demo MES?
A.The Local Server Unit(LSU) is running on a Pentium P4 desktop machine with a 2.6 GHz Processor and 256 MB RAM.The client machines are similar( three have been linked).The operating system in use is Windows XP.An optical fibre intra-plant network is used for the inter-connection.
Q.What software was used?
A.Java JDK 1.5.0_06 was downloaded and used on development platforms.A Java JRE of the same version was downloaded and installed on computers not used for development.The Apache Derby database was downloaded and installed in all computers using this software.
I wrote ,compiled and installed the software programs as Java applications.
Q.What licensing costs are to be paid for these?
A.Nothing for Java and Derby.For terms of use, refer relevant documentation.
Q.How stable is the set-up?
A.Amazingly stable.In the last nine months of operation I have not backed up the database even once.(I do not recommend this practice in production set -ups,however).The server has never crashed.
QHow frequently is the set-up used?
A>It is in use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Roughly 100 or so entries are made daily.About a dozen connections are made daily from clients to generate multiple reports.
Q.What is the size of the records stored in the database?
A.Pretty small.Nine months records for two Galvanizing Lines occupy only around 9 MB of storage.Considering that the standard size of a new Hard Disc is 80 GB, storage space is never going to be a constraint for the use of this software.
Q.Why don't you use professional reporting environments such as Jasper Reports for reporting?
A.I have not tried to do so.I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that a reporting software "pretties up" reports- something essential for corporate presentation - at the expense of flexibility.
I conceive of the MES as the ultimate flexible tool for data mining, generating reports on the fly, may be totally new ones, depending on the Plant Managers' current needs- not as a Corporate Presentation tool.
I agree, how ever,that this is a direction that future development may take.
Q.You have only mentioned the benefits of using this software.What is the down-side?
A.The down-side is: this is not packaged, configurable software.
Many important helper classes have been written as beans, which can be reused.Many methods have been written so that they can be "copied and pasted" into new code. The pattern of any new GUI will be the same.
However, there is no escaping the fact that each separate new application will have to be rewritten.
This might sound like a lot of work but believe me, the amount of grief, time and trouble it will eliminate during ERP implementation is so much that the work is well worth it.
The sequence for developing this software is as follows:
- Study of production process flow.
- Study of production reports.
- Receipt and study of written clarifications from user.
- Receipt of report requirements from user.
- Development of database structure, and its acceptance by user.
- Off-site programming.
- Off-site testing.
- On site installation, data entry and testing.
QDo you recommend installation of this software before, or after the ERP is installed?
A.Before, without a doubt. It will provide a very good platform for trouble-shooting the Production Module for the Steel Plant ERP, immeasurably increasing user satisfaction and reducing implementation problems in the most flaky part of the Steel Plant ERP's.The same database structure for the production module can be used while designing the ERP, leading to a seamless integration of the two layers.
Q.What is your approach to security?
A.The principal element of security is in the configuration itself.
Each LSU has only the aggregate production reports for a production unit group, not high- security material itself.The computer is kept with production workers or supervisors, under the responsibility of the Plant Manager.Outside access is always very restricted in these conditions.Client connections are given selectively.On the other hand, operators should not lock themselves out of database access at two in the morning.
Under these conditions, a comparatively low security model has been installed in the demo .It can be increased as per the user's requirement,with a trade-off of reduced convenience.
Q.Is it possible to access the LSU from a browser through the Internet?
A.Yes.The Derby database supports access through the internet.Additional classes and methods can be written to provide Internet access.However, you will have to set up a separate web server for each LSU, and this is the biggest task.
Q.Can I contact you for further information?
AYes. E-Mail me at